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Januvia is a medication that is used as second- and third-line treatment for type 2 diabetes. It should be combined with diet, exercise, and other diabetes medications to help the body metabolize sugar (glucose).
- Very Well Health
Compared with a placebo, Sitagliptin (Januvia) increases the production of postprandial active GLP-1 by a two-fold margin.
- ScienceDirect.com
A Japanese study found that type 2 diabetes patients who take Januvia (Sitagliptin (Januvia) ) with insulin therapy have improved outcomes. These patients have no history of cardiovascular disease.
- Diabetes.co.uk
Sitagliptin, sold under the brand name Januvia among others, is an anti-diabetic medication used to treat type 2 diabetes. Patients with type-2 diabetes sometimes use Januvia alongside more common products such as Humalog (insulin) , which help patients regulate their glucose levels. Januvia is also a component in Janumet , along with metformin . There are many symptoms associated with low blood sugar and diabetes sufferers may experience a range of symptoms from kidney problems to nerve damage (neuropathy ).
Always consult your doctor.
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What Are Patients Saying About Januvia?
“I was very pleased with the effect Januvia had on my type 2 diabetes. However, my doctor changed my oral diabetes medication & now my #'s have gone up. Hoping to return to Januvia.”
- Vincent, TN
“I had diabetes, type 2, for eight years. During this time I went from Glucotrol XL to insulin(110ml a day two shots, morning and night. I also take Avandia 5mg. My sugars always ran high 280s. No control. then my doctor said people have gotten great results with Januvia. I thought... we'll see! I have been on Januvia (100ml 1 a day mornings)for about 10 days and the results are astounding! I went from high 280s to 140s waking reading!”
- Elena, UT
“I was on another medication for type 2 diabetes and it didnot work for me. My doctor didn't want to take me off of it because he said it work for most people. Well, I change Doctors and the new Doctor stated me on Januvia 50 mg in the AM and 50 in the PM and it started to work at the end of the week, no side effects, my number was very close to normal and I feel GREAT . I even lost weight while on this medication. My husband is on 50 mg a day and doing great with no side effects.”
- Marcus, VA